Tune in live every Thursday Night 7:30PM for CLAD (Coach Lew After Dark)
This is a live call in radio talk show where everything goes!
Yes the preservation of free speech and uncensored conversation is alive on CLAD!
There is one rule and that is free speech is for everyone, even when we don’t agree. No hateful comments or nastiness just free speech and a desire to learn and grow together in the process!
So let’s get real, raw, down, dirty and have some good convo!
This show is to help everyone get themselves and their communities to the next level!!
Yes there may be profanity during the show so best you don’t have the kids in the room!
Missed the live show? No worries click here to visit our the podcast to hear all the replays!
Monday 8AM
Breakthrough With Lew

- Livestream With Chat
- Show details: Breakthrough whatever is stopping you in life! Learn the cutting edge tools for success! Start your week off right!
Tuesday 7:30PM
Healthy & Wealthy With Lew

- Livestream With Chat
- Show details: Get healthier and wealthier with simple tools everyone can use! Tune in and get ready for good change!
Thursday 8AM
Small Biz Talk With Lew

- Livestream With Chat
- Show details: Whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur or ready to take your career to the next level, get ready to launch!
Thursday 7:30PM
Coach Lew After Dark

- Live Call In Radio Show
- Show details: CLAD is an open forum Q&A discussion where freedom of speech is encouraged! One rule is be respectful to all!